


Videos: Climate Change

There is no fix to climate change. Dahr Jamail. youtube. video (4min)

Near-term climate catastrophe. Scientists: Guy McPherson, Peter Wadhams, etc. youtube. Jan. 2017. (22 min)

Speed of Climate Change. The Facts You Wish Weren't True. Feb. 14, 2019.

Climate Change: Are You Scared Enough? feat. David Wallace-Wells. July 18, 2019.

Summarising the lack of "climate emergency" at #COP25. Dr. Peter Carter. Dec. 10, 2019.

Clearing up the issues about climate change, with Greg Flato, climate scientist at Environment Canada. Dec.27, 2019.

Abrupt Climate Change: The Hard Truth. Scientists: Guy McPherson, Eric Rignot, etc. youtube. video (43 min)

Racing to the precipice. Prof. Noam Chomsky. March 2017. via youtube. video (1hr 24min).

The American Denial of Global Warming. Naomi Oreskes, via youtube.

Going Beyond 'Dangerous' Climate Change. Kevin Anderson. Feb. 4, 2016.
Despite high-level statements to the contrary, there is little to no chance of maintaining the global mean surface temperature increase at or below 2 degrees Celsius. Moreover, the impacts associated with 2°C have been revised upward sufficiently so that 2°C now more appropriately represents the threshold between 'dangerous' and 'extremely dangerous' climate change.

Kevin Anderson will address the endemic bias prevalent amongst many of those building emission scenarios to underplay the scale of the 2°C challenge. In several respects, the modeling community is actually self-censoring its research to conform to the dominant political and economic paradigm. However, even a slim chance of 'keeping below' a 2°C rise now demands a revolution in how we consume and produce energy. Such a rapid and deep transition will have profound implications for the framing of society, and is far removed from the rhetoric of green growth that increasingly dominates the climate change agenda.

Climate and Evolution Past and Future: Naomi Oreskes: Human Impacts: Will We Survive the Future? Carta. youtube. 19 min.
short answer: yes. but more relevant question is how we will survive, and in what condition.

UpFront - is capitalism driving climate change? Al Jazeera, via youtube.
Can climate change be beaten?
Scientists say the world is in the midst of a "climate emergency". According to NASA, February smashed global temperature records. And, with this year on track to become the hottest year on record, has the world failed on climate change?
In this special episode of UpFront, we speak to renowned author and activist Naomi Klein about why she sees a link between capitalism and climate change.
In the Reality Check, we look at who fuels the climate change denial machine. And in the Arena, we ask UN Climate Chief Christiana Figueres if the Paris agreement is too little, too late when it comes to addressing the man-made global phenomenon.

Climate Change Solutions: What you thought you knew is obsolete. Dr. Joe Romm. Sep 2016. via youtube. video (52 min)

Why renewables can’t save the planet. Michael Shellenberger. Jan. 4, 2019.

Pie: Net Zero.

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