


Monday, October 10, 2016

Climate Links: 10/10/2016

The fallacy of economic growth. Yavor Tarinski, Oct. 5, 2016.

Exploring the gap between business-as-usual and utter doom. Richard Heinberg, Post Carbon Institute. Sep. 19, 2016.

A pocket handbook of soft climate denial. Michael Hoexter, New Economic Perspectives. Oct. 6, 2016.

‘We’d have to finish one new facility every working day for the next 70 years’—Why carbon capture is no panacea. Andy Skuce, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. Oct. 4, 2016.

Just 2-3 years to lock in climate positive infrastructure investment: New Climate Economy report. Elena K. Johansson, Responsible Investor. Oct. 10, 2016.
Report recommends four major changes to make infra climate future proof rather than damaging.

Two degrees of climate change may be too much. Dawn Stover, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. Sep 4, 2015.

It's time to get serious about climate change. Seriously. Noam Chomsky, The Nation. Jun. 13, 2016.

There is no market-driven solution to our climate catastrophe. Paul Mason, Literary Hub. Feb. 22, 2016.
Capitalism cannot survive the problem it created.
Faced with a clear warning that a 4.5-billion-year-old planet is being destabilized, those in power decided that a 25-year-old economic doctrine held the solution. They resolved to incentivize lower carbon use by rationing it, taxing it and subsidizing the alternatives. Since the market is the ultimate expression of human rationality, they believed it would spur the correct allocation of resources to meet the target of the two-degree cap. It was pure ideology and it has been proved plain wrong.

Tomgram: Michael Klare, The Rise of the Right and Climate Catastrophe. Michael Klare, tom dispatch. September 15, 2016.

Hillary Clinton is in her own form of climate denial. Kate Aronoff, In These Times. Oct. 6, 2016.

Planetary crisis: we are not all in this together. Ian Angus. May 25, 2016.

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