Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Crim: Crisis Report

The Crisis Report - 74. Richard Crim, May 28, 2024.
Let’s talk about the next few years.

................ What comes now, is the WAVES. How long do you think it will take the Climate System to absorb this MASSIVE pulse of ENERGY, how long do you think that waves of disequilibrium will ripple through the system?

Part of our problem in dealing with Climate Change is the mismatch between our perception of time and the planetary time scale. We expect things to happen quickly in response to our actions. On a planetary time scale we just got hit by an asteroid last year.


I guess it comes down to this.

Things are about to DRASTICALLY change in the world. The “good times” of the 20th century golden age of relative peace and plenty are coming to an end.

It’s NOT the “end of the world”.

The world will go on for another 2.5 billion years before we think the sun swells and engulfs it. To future ages we will be an interesting set of fossils and a layer of weird chemicals in the rock strata.

It is the END of “life as we knew it”.