updated October 2021:
The Boston Marathon Bombing 8.5 Years Later. Paul Craig Roberts.
original post:
Crisis actors? Some suspicious photos from the Boston Marathon Bombing in 2013.
When I found out that a colleague, like me, doesn't believe the official story about 9/11, and, what's more, is dubious about the moon landings, I sent him a link to this website for his amusement:
Center for an Informed America
I also shared the following 2 pictures with him, to see if he had any suspicions about Boston (or Sandy Hook or San Bernardino or Charlie Hebdo or the Paris truck incident, etc.)
Another pic of them setting up… though you can’t see him in the lowest pic below, you can see the lady in black and red from the pic above (bottom right) in the pic below (middle-left).. and note the guy leaning on his elbow:
Below, same staged scene, but now the black lady in white shirt and red sweater(?) from above isn’t there… but the red-head with the red sleeves is still in the same pose, though some of the stuff around her is different
Plus, the blood looks pretty fake in many of the pics
When I found out that a colleague, like me, doesn't believe the official story about 9/11, and, what's more, is dubious about the moon landings, I sent him a link to this website for his amusement:
Center for an Informed America
I also shared the following 2 pictures with him, to see if he had any suspicions about Boston (or Sandy Hook or San Bernardino or Charlie Hebdo or the Paris truck incident, etc.)
And my colleague said "Wow", and asked if that guy with the blown-off leg(s) is real or fake.
You can’t believe every crackpot’s claims about crisis actors, but I absolutely believe they are used in false flag events.
So, to his question:
So, to his question:
Well, the media, obviously, portrayed him and his injury as real/legit, such as here, at the NY Post, and here, at the Boston Herald, and here, 1:10 into the video here at CBS.
Do you think you would be conscious… and not dripping any blood along the road… if your leg looked like that?
And if your leg looked like that, do you think that’s how any EMS personnel would actually move you? (even if there was a shortage of stretchers)
Here they are “setting up”, and he, on the right, is not just sitting up or propped up un-aided, but he's totally un-attended;
EMS musta said:
“his wounds don’t look too bad.. obviously he can wait, he won’t bleed out… let’s tend to these others first”
Do you think you would be conscious… and not dripping any blood along the road… if your leg looked like that?
And if your leg looked like that, do you think that’s how any EMS personnel would actually move you? (even if there was a shortage of stretchers)
Here they are “setting up”, and he, on the right, is not just sitting up or propped up un-aided, but he's totally un-attended;
EMS musta said:
“his wounds don’t look too bad.. obviously he can wait, he won’t bleed out… let’s tend to these others first”
Another pic of them setting up… though you can’t see him in the lowest pic below, you can see the lady in black and red from the pic above (bottom right) in the pic below (middle-left).. and note the guy leaning on his elbow:
Plus, the blood looks pretty fake in many of the pics
And, seriously, I see lots of blood, but where did the rest of his legs go? Evaporated?
His legs totally disintegrated into thin air, but the guy right beside him has a scratch on his thigh?
And, once again, why is the guy behind legless guy getting attention but legless guy is lying there all alone?
And, wait.. who is the guy behind legless guy? the guy behind legless guy, the guy with a scratch on his leg who is getting attention rather than legless guy... he's none other than the guy who was casually leaning on his elbow in the previous pic above, and, prior to that, was apparently helping to pose legless guy, seemingly along with help of the lady in the white shirt and red coat... while first making sure his hoodie was up and his sunglasses on
Back to the links to mainstream media above:
Note that none of CBS/Post/Herald show the unreal/unrealistic full shot including the view of the whole shredded leg, plus the blood-free asphalt ... presumably because it was too clearly too phony, so they used cropped versions, to keep it more authentic looking
So, whether he is real or fake?
I found the suggestion somewhere that “Jeff Bauman”, as he is referred to in the media, is actually Nick Vogt, who lost his legs in Kandahar .. but what do I know? I’m just a crackpot conspiracy theorist
If he was a crisis actor, and it sure looks that way, he surely wasn't alone. Based on the pics above, it looks like they had quite the cast.
Here's another one; does this look real?

Look at the blood on her feet… but no blood on the one shoe she is wearing, no tears or rips or blood on her pants… good thing that loosely-tied bandana is keeping her from losing any more blood from her unapparent leg wound
A much more detailed account of all this B.S. can be found here:
with a few choice snippets:
So, do you really think the Tsarnaev brothers did it?
His legs totally disintegrated into thin air, but the guy right beside him has a scratch on his thigh?
And, once again, why is the guy behind legless guy getting attention but legless guy is lying there all alone?
And, wait.. who is the guy behind legless guy? the guy behind legless guy, the guy with a scratch on his leg who is getting attention rather than legless guy... he's none other than the guy who was casually leaning on his elbow in the previous pic above, and, prior to that, was apparently helping to pose legless guy, seemingly along with help of the lady in the white shirt and red coat... while first making sure his hoodie was up and his sunglasses on
Back to the links to mainstream media above:
Note that none of CBS/Post/Herald show the unreal/unrealistic full shot including the view of the whole shredded leg, plus the blood-free asphalt ... presumably because it was too clearly too phony, so they used cropped versions, to keep it more authentic looking
So, whether he is real or fake?
I found the suggestion somewhere that “Jeff Bauman”, as he is referred to in the media, is actually Nick Vogt, who lost his legs in Kandahar .. but what do I know? I’m just a crackpot conspiracy theorist
If he was a crisis actor, and it sure looks that way, he surely wasn't alone. Based on the pics above, it looks like they had quite the cast.
Here's another one; does this look real?

Look at the blood on her feet… but no blood on the one shoe she is wearing, no tears or rips or blood on her pants… good thing that loosely-tied bandana is keeping her from losing any more blood from her unapparent leg wound
A much more detailed account of all this B.S. can be found here:
with a few choice snippets:
The next image up for review is of Nicole, with her twice-broken left leg, fractured ankle and severed Achilles tendon. Luckily, those injuries haven’t hindered her mobility as she has clearly moved from her original position. Those are some excruciatingly painful injuries that she has, but she seems to be toughing it out okay. She has though been abandoned by her husband, who you would think would be tending to and comforting her, and her legless sister is nowhere to be seen. Her right arm got peppered with shrapnel, but luckily for her it was a special kind of shrapnel that shreds clothing fibers but doesn’t penetrate flesh. That was a relatively common phenomenon in Boston that day, with the guy in the following image, looking like he just walked off a film set, being a classic example.and from Part II:
Moving on now to the next image in the sequence of events, we find Arredondo moving quickly to aid Bauman. Just kidding … what we actually find him doing is beginning to pull the fence down from the inside, seemingly oblivious to the fact that he is bringing it down directly on top of one of the victims, which is probably okay because she was undoubtedly an actress anyway. What is important to note here is that the Cowboy Hero already had access to the victims but rather than assist them he chose to spend the next few minutes helping to tear the fence down, pretending as though he hadn’t already been on the other side of it. No medical personnel are yet on the scene and yet almost all of the victims have already left on their own, thoughtfully carting their severed limbs off with them. [Legless] Jeff, naturally enough, continues to be ignored. As can be seen, the bomb shrapnel all passed cleanly between the fence pickets without breaking a single one.
So, do you really think the Tsarnaev brothers did it?
Or were they just the patsies for these guys?
As per Paul Craig Roberts:
Unlike PCR, I do think there were actual bombs that went off and that there were legit injuries; there would have been too many witnesses at the Marathon to just totally fake it out of thin air; so, like 9/11, they had to sacrifice some real people… but they used their dramaticized version of events, complete with crisis actors, to ramp up the blood and gore of it all.
As per Paul Craig Roberts:
“As I reported at the time, and as all evidence indicates, the alleged Boston Marathon Bombing was a publicly announced drill in which crisis actors were used. There were no real deaths or injuries, and the Tsarnaev brothers did not set off a bomb.
The drill was turned into a real event by propagandists who used the propaganda to advance their agenda of police state regulation and to test US reaction to the use of martial law to close down the city of Boston and the airport and to use 10,000 armed troops to invade without warrants and search citizens’ homes under the guise that a dangerous 19-year old “terrorist,” who was already shot up by soldiers or police, was on the loose.
The insouciant American public, the law schools, bar associations, US Congress and media accepted this extraordinary violation of the US Constitution based on the most flimsy of all possible stories, thus opening Pandora’s Box of police state measures by the US government.
The faked terrorist event required terrorists, and the Tsarnaev brothers were selected for that patsy role. The older brother was murdered by police. The younger brother, having unexpectedly survived police attempts to shoot him to death, was put on trial. His attorneys were appointed by the government, and the attorneys, rather than the prosecutor, convicted their assigned client.”
Unlike PCR, I do think there were actual bombs that went off and that there were legit injuries; there would have been too many witnesses at the Marathon to just totally fake it out of thin air; so, like 9/11, they had to sacrifice some real people… but they used their dramaticized version of events, complete with crisis actors, to ramp up the blood and gore of it all.
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